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Writer's picturePastor Jason Murphy

What is Needed to Conquer My Canaan?

The Lord promised the land of Canaan to Abraham, then Isaac, then Jacob. The promise of Canaan was ever in the mind of Joseph as he directed his family to take his bones out of Egypt when the Lord finally leads them to the Promised Land. Moses received the promise when the Lord called him from the burning bush. We clearly see that it was God’s will for Israel to conquer Canaan and possess the promises of God. It was not God’s will for the Israelites to remain in Egypt, nor was it His will for them to remain in the wilderness. His plan was to give Israel the Promised Land, known as Canaan. 

Contrary to modern thought, Canaan does not represent heaven. For one thing, the Israelites had to conquer the Promised Land from their enemies. We know that there are no enemies of God or God’s people in heaven, nor will there be wars in heaven. Secondly, once the land was conquered, it had to be defended. Therefore, Canaan does not represent heaven. Canaan represents the inheritance of God’s people now, in this life. 

You see God has a plan, a purpose, and a place for you to occupy now in this life at this present moment. There is a place where God has commissioned you to operate from, and within, for the purpose of influencing others for Christ, and to advance the Kingdom of God.

Your Canaan is now. However, it will not be handed to you on a silver platter, nor will the enemy of God simply lie down and let you have it. You must conquer your Canaan. 

A hard truth to accept is that Canaan is often occupied by our enemies. They are our enemies because they are the enemies of God. Therefore, they oppose Him and His plan. If we wish to possess our Canaan, then we must conquer it. 

There are at least four things that you need to conquer your Canaan. The following four things are not arranged into any particular order, nor is the list exhaustive. They will not be discussed in detail. If you are interested in learning more about these points, read Joshua chapter 14 and Numbers chapters 13-14. The four things needed to conquer your Canaan are as follows. 


Your Canaan is now. However, it will not be handed to you on a silver platter, nor will the enemy of God simply lie down and let you have it. You must conquer your Canaan. 


First, you will need a great memory. Remember the Word and promises of God. The memory of His promises is what keeps you going while wandering in the wilderness, as well as when you are in a battle. Secondly, you need commitment. We must commit to follow the Lord and His plan no matter the opposition. It does not matter the size of the giants in the land, we must wholly and fully commit to following the Lord. Thirdly, we need confidence. Our confidence must be in the Lord. We must not be confident in our strength and abilities. We must be confident in the One who gave us our strength and abilities. We must realize that He gave them to us for the purpose of conquering our Canaan. Finally, we must have faith. Caleb exhibited the faith needed to conquer Canaan. You can read about it in Joshua chapter fourteen. Caleb was 85 years old when he told Joshua that the Lord has kept him alive and has given him the strength of a young man so he could possess his promised land. WOW! That is faith and confidence in God! If you want to conquer your Canaan, then get in the Word and promises of God, so that the Word and promises of God get in you, and faith will be the result. 

There is a Canaan for you to conquer. There is a place where God has promised you to operate from, and within, for the purpose of influencing others for Christ, and to advance the Kingdom of God. Your Canaan is now, but you must go and conquer it. You can conquer it if you will develop your memory, commitment, confidence, and faith in God, and His Word and promises to you. 


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