Years are marked by the significant event that occurred within them. It is natural and normal for us to note a year, or to mark a year, by “THAT” which happened within it. There are years that are remembered and noted by national events, such as Pearl Harbor, D-Day, and 9-11. There are those years that are remembered and noted for “THAT” personal thing that happened, such as the year you graduated high school, the year you graduated college, the year you got your first real job, the year you got married, the year each child was born, the year you bought your first house, and the list goes on and on. There are those years that are remembered and noted for “THAT” which occurred within them.
Our church believes the year 2019 will be remembered for “THAT” which occurred in it. What is our “THAT”? Our “THAT” is that we followed the leading of the Holy Spirit to change our name to Grace Chapel in order to manifest in the natural that which God has done, is doing, and will do in our church. He has graced us with His favor, freedom, blessing, power, and truth. We believe He will use us to bring grace to others so that they can experience His favor, freedom, blessing, power, and truth. Therefore, we will be a church that is“Proclaiming Grace, Transforming Culture”.
The Bible gives us the precedence for making such a change. Significant biblical figures underwent a name change. Abram which meant “exalted father” was changed to Abraham which means “father of nations”. Sarai which meant “princess” was changed to Sarah which means “mother of princesses”. Jacob which meant “deceiver or trickster” was changed to Israel which means “prince with God”. Saul which meant “asked for” was changed to Paul which means “little”. Each name change represents a new relationship between the individual and God and how He was going to use that person to bring about His plan in the earth.
We received a new name representing a new relationship between God and our church. Our name reveals how we are going to be used of God to bring about His plan in the earth. Therefore, Grace Chapelis a church proclaiming grace, transforming culture.